Scientific Name Solanum tuberosum
Local Name  allo
Family Solanaceae
State/World wide World wide: South America; States: U.P, W.B, Bihar, H.P, T.N, Punjab, Gujrat, Sikkim, Meghalaya, etc.
Common Name of Disease: 2. EARLY BLIGHT
Local Name of Disease - Alternaria solani
Causal Organism - Phytopthora infestens
Distribution of Disease in Sikkim

-In parts of the state

Disease Incidence - Low to medium
Site of Infection

- Symptom is more prominent on leaves.

Dissemination of the Disease - The pathogen survives in plant debris in the soil.


The symptoms appear first on older leaves. Necrotic spots of angular or oval in shapes with or without concentric rings appear on leaves.There is chlorotic zone around the spots due to the toxin (alternaric acid).

Favourable environmental condition for disease
Early blight is less affected by weather, therefore, can occur in cool as well as dry weather.

Life cycle of Organism
Through infected crop debris left in the soil.

Life cycle of Organism -
Mycelium or conidia survives in plant debris in soil.
Plant Protection Measures
Grow resistant variety ( Kufri Bad Shaw ) is resistant to both late blight and early blight.
Since it a soil borne disease, crop rotation and field sanitation is necessary to control the disease

Bioinformatics Sub- DISC, SSCS&T